Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

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Management and performance activities

Companies and ventures in which PREVI participates

PREVI has been permanently involved with several actions aiming at the integration of sustainability aspects with the businesses of companies and ventures in which it participates. Besides publishing data about paradigms in corporate governance, PREVI carries out also other initiatives aimed at the above undertakings, such as:

In companies in which it participates

Based on its RSA policy, in market references, legal concepts, and in its experience and maturity in managing participations in companies, PREVI developed a Modelo PREVI para Participação em Assembleias (PREVI's model to Participate in Meetings).

Its purpose is to consolidate a transparent pattern of management in which the investors might contribute towards the generation of good results without relinquishing their right to control the management of the company's activities.

During 2009, a number of meetings and seminars with board members were carried out in order to improve the knowledge related to RSA and to encourage the celebration of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Sustainability Reports by the outfits that received the investments.

Other highlights of PREVI's activities in connection with the outfits in which it invested are:

divulgation of the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP); promotion and institutional support to the United Nations' Global Pact; stimulate the participation of the companies in the steel production chain to join the movement Iron & Steel Engagement; and to lead the Brazilian engagement group in the EMD (Emerging Market DisclosureProject) project - an international coalition of investors and organizations who work in favor of enhancing the propagation of sustainability in companies established in emerging countries.

In real estate ventures

PREVI decided to include a study of environmental aspects in the evaluation appraisals of real estate assets. It decide to request, according to the manual of norms and procedures, studies and reports relative to the environmental impacts that could be produced the new investments; implemented the ISO 1401 certification , as pilot project in some projects in which it participates; offered real estate counseling services to the administration of shopping centers and office buildings in order to achieve socio-environmental improvements, energetic efficiency, reutilization of water, selective garbage collection, and adaptation of premises to the needs of disabled people.

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