2. Benefit Plans

PREVI manages three Benefits Plants, which are registered in the SPC’s CNPG, the National Registry of Closed Complementary Social Security Entity Benefit Plans.

Benefit Plan 1 – Defined Benefit. Participants of this Plan include those who were members of PREVI on 12/23/1997. A few measures implemented in 2007 on account of negotiations held among PREVI managers, the Company’s Commission, retiree representatives, and Banco do Brasil S.A. to use the resources allocated through 12/31/2006 under the item “Plan Revision Reserve,” were maintained in the latest fiscal year, as follows:

  • a) Suspension of the collection of personal and employer contributions, with contributions reversed from the Contribution Fund, of accounting nature, formed as a result of the budget forecast, with annual renovations depending on the existence of the “Plan Revision Reserve” item;

  • b) Granting of a Special Remuneration Benefit paid to participants who retired as of 12/24/1997 and to those who will retire later, calculated based on the difference between the contribution ceiling of 75% to 90%, supported by the Remuneration Fund, which is of a pension nature;

  • c) Granting of a Special Proportionality Benefit to participants who retired as of 12/24/1997 and has fewer than 360 months of contribution, and to those who retire in an identical situation, applied to the anticipated retirement benefits and per contribution time, subsidized by the Proportionality Fund, which is of a pension nature;

  • d) Granting of a Special Certain Income Benefit, which is equivalent to the sum of the personal and employer contributions in excess of the 360th installment, invested in the period ranging from 03/04/1980 to 12/31;/2006, paid in up to 24 months, supported by the Certain Income Fund, which is of a financial nature.

All above-mentioned funds appear in Note 17-a, with their respective balances on 12/31/2008.

PREVI Futuro Benefit Plan – Variable Contribution (Defined Contribution for scheduled benefits, and Defined Benefit for risk benefits) instituted by Banco do Brasil S.A. and by PREVI for employees hired by the Bank as of 1998. This benefit plan had its regulation approved by the SPC on 06/10/1998.

Sole Payment Benefit Plan – Savings Fund Portfolio – Capec – executes, under form and conditions determined in its own regulation, a savings system composed of plans aimed to cover death and disability, maintained by specific contributions made by its participants. Capec Plan’s assets are segregated and it has its own resources which are not mixed with those of the retirement and pension plans.