ii - Customer Service


Reformulating the PREVI website by displaying more information and providing more options through customer self-service has led many participants to choose the online services over the call center. PREVI continues to make a great effort to attend participants the best way possible, whether it is online, by phone, by email, or any other way.


Active Approach


In 2009, the main customer services highlight comes from a change in attitude. Instead of having a customer center that is limited to answering calls, professionals who work in the field were trained by the Active Telemarketing Management Qualification Program in order to communicate with participants on the phone. The main purpose of calls was the re-registration of alimony beneficiaries and the campaign for Capec and PREVI Futuro enrollment.


This active approach, which occurred in the second semester, provided more than 900 enrollments to PREVI Futuro in 2009 from contacts made through Customer Service.


Customer Satisfaction and Post-Service Contact

After they receive service, participants are asked to grade their satisfaction through an Automatic Customer Service. In 2009, 84% of the 9,547 participants who took the survey were satisfied with the toll-free customer service at 0800 729 0505.


Queries per medium




* Microfilmed documents, collection, grievance procedures, etc