Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

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Future initiatives

Further actions aimed at giving continuity to the implementation process of PREVI's Socio-environmental Responsibility Policy have already been planned. Among them:

PREVI's Volunteer Work Program

In that program, which will involve in-house collaborators as well as participants, PREVI will be in charge of stimulating and facilitating the engagement of that public in socio-environmental initiatives, pledging to periodically promote actions to stimulate such involvement.

Ecologically Efficient Management Program

The purpose of that program is to reduce the consumption of inputs and the production of residues deriving from PREVI's operations. It aims at contributing to the minimization of environmental impacts and to reduce the operational costs thereof associated.

To accomplish that, a series of controls and systematic evaluations will be carried out, as well as will be observed some ecologically efficient initiatives concerning the rationalization of water consumption, the conservation of electric energy, the reconditioning of printing cartridges, and the selective collection of urban refuse.

Still, as a part of that program, it will be carried out a campaign about conscientious consumption that will be addressed to the internal and external publics and will have the following precise objectives: divulge the concept of conscientious consumption to all employees, collaborators, outsource employees, and PREVI participants; raise the awareness as to the impacts of their consumption decisions upon the environment; to orient as to the adoption of practical steps both in the working environment and in private life; inform the measures already implemented and those that will be adopted by PREVI; publicize the study on recycling.

Policies concerning suppliers

The above policy will set up the guidelines concerning processes for the selection, negotiation and management with regard to suppliers, and will integrate socio-environmental criteria to those processes.

In-house Solidarity Development Program

The focus of that program is to establish a cooperative development program with the internal public. The collaborators who might need any support with regard to family orientation, social integration, critical situations due to illness, among others, will be helped and orientated by work colleagues, particularly prepare to do so.

The "Gerência de Talentos Humanos e Organização - Getho" (Human Talents and Organization Management), will be responsible for the identification of risk situations, for the filing of collaborators, and for managing solidarity processes that will give subsidies and orient the activities of that program.

Pension Fund Educational Program

That program, started in 2009, aims at approaching relevant aspects of financial and pension fund education to PREVI's participants and to some of the sponsor's employees who have not yet joined any pension fund of that entity. During 2010, that program will continue with the same scope..

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