Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

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Management and performance activities

Engagement and relationship with other publics

The expressions relationship or engagement with publics gain more and more importance in the different publications and communication bulletins issued by companies and organizations. In reality, they represent one of greatest conditioning factors for the activity of any organization, independently of its size, localization and line of business.

After all, the relationship practices and, above all, the quality of the relationship established with their publics, are the factors that make possible the activities of the organizations.

Besides being critical and very important, the management of those relationships is also tiring and complex. The organizations are continuously involved in many relationships with many institutions, individuals, groups of people, different publics. In addition to that, those publics keep relationships with one another and with other publics. Those different contacts interconnect with one another and form large webs that must be taken into consideration when we consider the institutional relationships of any organization.

It is not different with PREVI. Even a superficial reflection would soon indicate an extensive list of different groups or publics that affect, are affected, or are implicated in the decisions of the organization. Starting with the suppliers, the dependents and family members of participants, passing by the internal public, the undertakings in which it has invested, other pension funds, and the participants themselves, many are the relationships that are continuously established. And they do happen, independently of our will, at all moments.

The intrinsic difficulty of simply acting together with each one of those publics is enhanced when the management and the rendering of accounts concening the company's initiatives are integrated into the company's daily activities.

Taking that context into consideration, PREVI acknowledges still having to meet challenges to succeed coming closer to its publics.

The overcoming of those challenges may generate innovations and differentials not only for the optimization of PREVI's own activities but also for an improvement in the management of its impacts and the enhancement of its contribution to Brazil's development. With that in mind, PREVI has given large steps towards establishing a more significant relationship with its closest publics.

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