Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

Engagement and relationship with other publics

Pension Fund sector

Pension Funds have become more and more important in the search for solutions that might help solving questions critical for the development of our society. Aspects such as the reduction of socio-environmental impacts produced by the economic activities and the pursuit for better balanced and equitable development patterns ask for innovative solutions that will not be reached without the cooperation and participation of several agents and organizations from around the world.

Pension funds, particularly the closed end ones - like PREVI - find themselves in differentiated positions to become lead actors in this urgent effort in favor of the whole society.

The non existence of competition among the different entities and their voluminous and diversified investments afford a great potential for cooperation and utilization of synergies in many impacting and influent initiatives in several economic fields.

The realization of that scenario has prompted PREVI's engagement with other pension funds from Brazil and the world, and has widened its efforts to bolster the cooperation among the different entities.

Those initiatives are not new in that sector. Between 2003 and 2006 PREVI already participated of interchange events and seminars with other Brazilian and European pension funds. By that time, responsible investments started to be in the spotlight. After that, thats issue started to definitively integrate the concerns of the main forums of that industry.

In the last few years, in addition to participating in Abrapp's technical commissions, PREVI has pioneered other initiatives along with other pension funds and large institutional investors. The coordination of the Brazilian PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) group and the promotion of different initiatives related to it, serve as good examples.

In 2009 PREVI organized the first Pension Funds' Socio-environmental Responsibility Clinic. That forum took place during August at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil (CCBB), together with three other closed-end complementary pension fund entities: Petros (Petrobrás), Real Grandeza (Furnas) and Valia (Vale). That meeting became an opportunity to share information about initiatives already initiated separately by each entity, and produced a document that relates the good practices and the possible joint actions to be carried out in different areas.

At the end of that year, PREVI was again in contact with other entities on occasion of the Segundo Encontro Pró-Equidade de Gênero, Raça e Diversidade dos Fundos de Pensão (Pension Funds' Second Meeting in Favor of Equity Regarding Sex, Race and Diversity). That event, the first edition of which was celebrated in 2008, was sponsored by PREVI and by the Eletros, Funcef, Geap, Infraprev, Petros, Real Grandeza, Serpros and Valia funds. The 2009 edition had as central theme "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The Role of Women, The Racial and Social Quotas: a Debate Concerning Social Inclusion".

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