Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

Companies and ventures in which PREVI participates

Participation and support to pacts and external initiatives

Companies in which PREVI participates

Support to initiatives, commitments and voluntary adhesion pacts having to do with socio-environmental aspects is becoming a more and more common practice among organizations, along with the growing demand for those commitments by the market and by society.

Many of the companies surveyed participated of initiatives supported or promoted by PREVI, such as:

  • Global Pact Initiative developed by United Nations Organization with a view to mobilize the international entrepreneurial community for the promotion of fundamental moral standings in the fields of human rights, labor practices, the environment, and fight against corruption. That pact is the one that assembles the greatest adhesion percentage of companies in which PREVI has invested: at present, 21 companies (70 %) are signatories of that pact.
  • Carbon Disclosure Project That initiative, in which participate 12 of the companies surveyed, aims at facilitating the dialogue between investors and companies that endeavor to minimize the impacts to the environment produced by their businesses in face of the climatic changes.
  • Pacto Nacional pela Erradicação do Trabalho Escravo (National Pact in Favor of the Eradication of Bonded Labor) Counts with the adhesion of nine companies (30 % of those surveyed). That pact, articulated to fight bonded, compulsory or similar to slave labor, is an initiative of The Ethos Institute together with the International Labor Organization and the NGO ("ONG") Repórter Brasil.
  • Selo Empresa Amiga da Criança (Children's Friendly Company Stamp) Created by the Abrinq Foundation in 1995, that program mobilizes companies to engage in social activities in favor of children and teenagers in Brazil, by means of encouraging private social investments and supporting them to qualify their actions in order to be in step with the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Children and Teenager Statute). A total of eight companies (27 % of those who answered the survey) joined that program.

Other voluntary commitments such as GHG Protocol, Empresas pelo Clima, Programa Pró-Equidade de Gênero, Caring for Climate, Programa Na Mão Certa, Pacto Empresarial pela Integridade e contra a Corrupção, Protocolo Nacional de Preservação da Mata Atlântica, and Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography, were also mentioned by the companies, besides other specific commitments for certain sectors, as is the case of Princípios do Equador e Protocolo Verde, aimed at the financial institutions, and of the ten principles of the International Council on Mining and Metals, designed for the mining sector.

Most of the companies surveyed (87 % of the total, or 26 outfits), participates in associations or sector organizations that promote dialogues in relation to sustainability aspects. The most often mentioned ones were Instituto Ethos, Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa, Instituto Akatu pelo Consumo Consciente, and Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

Real estate ventures

Some of the real estate ventures also acknowledge their participation in associations or sectoral organizations that host dialogues related to sustainability aspects. Around 35 % of the real estate ventures declared developing initiatives of that nature through representative organs of their sectors, such as Associação Brasileira de Lojistas de Shopping, and Associação Brasileira de Shopping Centers.

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