Sustainability Report PREVI 2009

PREVI management

People management

The cadre of PREVI collaborators is composed by its own staff and outsource employees in addition to trainees and young beginners who participate specific instructive programs.

Among the employees, the majority of them belong to one or other of the following two groups: those who were transferred by Banco do Brasil, PREVI's sponsor, and the ones hired directly by PREVI, who comprise its own staff. The assignment of Banco do Brasil employees to PREVI, is made by means of a selection under certain parameters as defined in PREVI's policy of personnel management. The only exception applies to consultant positions. Those are fulfilled by Banco do Brasil employees, following the indication of the director of the respective area.

Those characteristics produce peculiarities to personnel management, since each group must work under different policies. The corporate policy applying to those assigned by the Bank, must follow the rules set up in the agreement of assignment of Bank's employees and observe the rights and benefits acquired by those employees in their professional careers. At the same time, occasionally, the activities carried out by its own employees require special attention that must be taken into consideration by their own personnel management. Another important issue referring to the entity's personnel management is to preserve the equity conditions in dealing with the whole body of employees, as recommended by the best market practices.

To monitor the working atmosphere, PREVI conducts periodically researches and evaluations with the involvement of its internal public. In 2006 and 2009 organizational atmosphere researches were conducted. In 2008 was made a cultural mapping, a kind of cultural diagnosis which involved all working segments. Periodically is also conducted an evaluation of the selective processes, to be answered by candidates and mangers of the areas that might need it.

Concession of benefits to homosexual couples

One of the characteristics of PREVI's administration is its attention to the specific needs and peculiarities of its participants. During the last few years a number of measures to widen the benefits and meet the expectative of its participants were implemented. It has always been taken into consideration the different individual realities that compose the universe of PREVI's participants.

Since 2006 PREVI contemplates the possibility of conceding benefits to homosexual couples for Plano 1 participants. Pension payments are made to the surviving member of homosexual couples of participants who died after May 4th 2006, provided the INSS had acknowledged that they had lived under a consensual marriage.

The above rules will be extended to PREVI Futuro participants. For that purpose, PREVI is waiting for the approval of changes in the Plan's rules by Banco do Brasil and the regulatory organ.

Distribution and rotation of employees

By the end of 2009, PREVI counted with a total of 663 collaborators, among its own employees, outsource employees, trainees and beginners. That number was kept relatively stable during the last few years.

The slow growth in the total number of employees was due to an increase in the of assigned employees larger that the reduction that took place in PREVI itself.

Out of the 568 employees (own employees plus those assigned by Banco do Brasil), 83 % occupied technical and administrative positions. The remainder 17 % referred to managerial and directorial positions.

The turnover of PREVI's employees in 2009 was approximately 7%, which represents a decrease of four percentage points in relation to last year's. During the previous year there were 45 admissions and 39 dismissals and resignations. Out of those figures, 49% of dismissals and resignations and 40 % of admissions referred to women employees.

Most of the dismissals in 2009 involved young employees which had been just a short time working for PREVI. More than 67 % of the employees which severed their working contract with that entity had between 18 and 45 years of age, 72 % of which had been working for PREVI for no more than five years.

The figures reflecting voluntary resignation include employees who retired.

Profile of collaborators

In general, the age profile of the employees is quite well balanced. The number or employees between 18 and 35 years is close to those who are between 36 and 45 years and of total of employees between 46 and 60 years of age.

As per time of employment with PREVI, the majority of employees (35%) have been working from three to five years. The figures are relatively the same between the number of employees who have been working less than two years and those between six and ten years. Approximately 17% of the employees have been working for PREVI for longer than 11 years.

To respect diversity and promote equity are PREVI's explicit commitments, as formally established in the entity's Socio-environmental Responsibility Policy and also expressed in its Code of Ethics.

As reflection and part of its commitment, PREVI adopted in 2009 the Pro-Equity In Sexes Program, and initiative of the federal government through the Special Agency for Women's Policies (SPM), in partnership with the United Nation's Development Fund for Women (Unifem) and International Labor Organization (ILO). That program aims at encouraging the adoption of sex equity practices in the organizational culture and in the management of medium size and large corporations and institutions, both public and private.

By the end of 2009, women employees amounted to 44 % of total PREVI's staff. Those figures mean a slight reduction (approximately 1 %) in women's participation between 2008 and 2009. That reduction occurred on account of the relatively higher participation of men joining the labor force during 2009, despite the fact that the absolute number of women having been higher in 2009 than in the preceding year.

Women's participation is less expressive in directorial and managerial positions than in the technical and administrative ones. They hold, on an average, approximately 20 % of the directorial and managerial positions and 50 % of the technical and administrative ones.

As part of the effort to monitor the profile of its internal public and make viable the implementation of initiatives to appreciate diversity, PREVI carries out a census of its employees, including information about color / race. That feature is included in the form that each employee fills out according to the categories defined by IBGE - Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, responsible for the official statistics concerning the color / race of the Brazilian population.

Since 2005 PREVI implements initiatives to welcome and include disabled people among its collaborators. That step is important not only to the employees but also to fight against the prejudices that still pervade in our society. In the labor market, those prejudices become apparent on the occasion of hiring new employees and in the selection for new career opportunities.

Despite being voluntary, since PREVI has less than 100 employees directly hired and is not subject to legal quotas for disabled employees, the above initiative prompted the creation of a series of internal learning courses and proceeded to adapt installations and create an atmosphere agreeable to receive the new collaborators.

The adaptations above referred to and the accessibility to the new installations were carried out following an inspection made by a specialized NGO (ONG). Their study proposed a number of modifications in the installations of the premises - like changing the position of the closets and the adaptation of coffee machines and of toilets, among others - already implemented.

After finishing the specific selection procedures for disabled people, the personnel department took steps to induce the managers of the areas in which the new collaborators would start working to be as sensible as possible as to their special conditions.

The latest census was carried out in 2008. On that occasion 100 negro employees (people who declared themselves as being black or mulatto) integrated PREVI's staff. They amounted to 18 % of the total labor force against 82 % of self-declared white employees. Only one of the employees declared himself to be aborigine, and another, of yellow race.

Data from 2008, the latest survey available, disclose that many PREVI employees have high schooling levels. The absolute majority of them have a post-graduation, a Master's or Phd degree, and 27 % of them have already finished college.

Training and development

PREVI runs a corporate education program, the contents of which being defined by the entity's policy regarding personnel management. That program has two threads which involve initiatives for technical training and (techno-professional program) and actions directed at professional progress of the employees, inclusive financing formal education courses for graduates and post-graduates (institutional program).

This program takes into consideration the strategic interest of the organization, the specific needs of each area and the employees' individual aspirations. PREVI considers that people is what makes the difference inn this competitive world, and adopts in its program premises such as the democratization of training and development activities, and the establishment of clear and objective criteria to qualify for each training activity, limited only by the budgetary constraints established for each fiscal period.

In 2009, more than 93 % of the employees participated in one of other training program. During that period, approximately 2,3 million were invested in those programs which totalized 24,173 training hours in theta year.

The above figures represent an average of more than 42 training hours and an investment close to R$4 thousand per employee during the period.

Specifically in relation to financing formal education courses, PREVI invested during 2009 R$119 thousand, benefiting 15 employees in that year.

PREVI counts also with a program for trainees and also, since 2009, with the "Jovem Aprendiz" (Young Apprentice) program. Both are conducted in partnership with specialized entities, aiming at collaborating in the education and formation of youngsters and students by means of work performed under supervision in that entity.

By the end of last year, eight trainees and five beginners (apprentices) participated of those programs.

PREVI maintains also a performance evaluation program that is applied to all employees, with the exception of statutory directors. The GDP system - "Gestão de Desempenho e Potencial"(Performance and Potencial Management) - counts with a continuous evaluation process based on five behavioral prospects: satisfaction of participants with regard to PREVI's management; organizational behavior; strategies and operations; economic results, and adequacy and improvement of internal critical processes.

Periodically, other initiatives are developed in order to widen technical and managerial capabilities, aiming at preserving the high qualification and skills of PREVI's collaborators.

All mangers participate of "Programa de Desenvolvimento Gerencial" (Managers' Development Program) carried out by means of clinics for the development of skills, and of the "Ciclo de Palestras" (Cycle of Lectures), that is directed to employees appointed for succession in management positions.

The employees appointed to succeed are also supported by the "Programa de Sucessão" (Succession Program) which aims at the development of fundamental and managerial skills (for technical and managerial positions, respectively).

In 2009 were also carried out also individual coaching sessions for those appoint so succeed in directorial positions and to the current directors as well. During 2010, coaching will be directed to the current ones.

PREVI is still contemplating the implantation of a program directed to the employees assigned by Banco do Brasil to PREVI, in order to prepare the for retirement.

Health and security

PREVI maintains also permanent initiatives to guarantee good sanitary conditions and safety to its employees in their working quarters.

The nature of their work at PREVI does not expose them to activities in which risk conditions and the rate of working accidents might be high. However, like in all office activities there are risks of contracting diseases and suffering injuries produced by a sedentary job and repetitive efforts.

The issues concerning health and security while working are dealt with in accordance to specific legislations, like the CLT and the regulatory rules of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, among others. PREVI develops and updates annually the Risk Map, the PPRA -"Programa de Prevenção de Riscos Ambientais" (Program for the Prevention of Environmental Hazards) and PCMSO - "Programa de Controle Médico de Saúde Ocupacional" (Program for the Medical Control of Occupational Health), in addition to carryout individual ergonomic analysis and effecting, when necessary, the necessary changes in the employees' working conditions.

All, information referring to occupational health and security are duly registered by PREVI and, periodically, its main indicators are compared to the results obtained by other organizations checking the data appearing in "Pesquisa Brasileira de Capital Humano" (Human Capital Brazilian Research).

PREVI also develops a program of quality of life at work. Named PREVInir, it contemplates programs for then prevention of endemic diseases, educational lectures about health issues, campaigns for the promotion of health, global postural reeducation / labor workouts, shiatsu weekly sessions, besides vocal gymnastics and nutritional complements aimed at the preservation of vocal conditions of the "Central de Atendimento" (Customer Service Sector).

PREVI counts with CIPA "Comissão Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes" (Internal Committee for the Prevention of Accidents), in accordance to the ILO recommendations and the rules of the Labor Ministry. CIPA is as parity committee composed by representatives of PREVI and of the employees for the purpose of preventing accidents and work related illnesses. Its members have a one year mandate and may be reelected for an additional period. The employees elected to take office in CIPA cannot be dismissed arbitrarily or without cause since the registration of their candidacy until one year after the termination of their mandates.

Before their taking office PREVI provides to all CIPA members both incumbent and substitutes, a training which comprises a study of the labor environment, of the working conditions and of the risks involved, investigation methodology, accident analysis, labor illnesses, basic notions about labor accidents and illnesses resulting from exposition to risks existing in the organization, notions about HIV / AIDS, preventive measures, notions about labor and pension fund legislation relative to security and health, general principles about labor hygiene and risk control procedures and CIPA organization, as well as other subjects necessary for the accomplishment of the committee's responsibilities.

Among the duties of the committee, are the elaboration of a Risk Map, the accomplishment of inspections in the working environment and the communication to the collaborators of information relative to labor health and security, monitoring and assisting in the implementation of the entity's PCMSO and PPRA, in addition to the annual celebration of the SIPAT "Semana Interna da Prevenção de Acidentes de Trabalho" Prevention of Labor Accidents Internal Week).

All, employees of the organization qualify as candidates to represent their fellow workers at CIPA. Their appointment is made by means of an election open to all employees. In the latest election 440 employees voted, about 78 % of the total staff.

The agreements and collective negotiations signed with the union labors that represent both, Banco do Brasil and PREVI's employees, do not contemplate specific aspects referring to health and security in the labor environment.

Remuneration and benefits

The remuneration of PREVI's employees is composed by a fixed remuneration plus a variable one. The negotiations about salary increases are annually included in the collective agreements signed with the union labor of their category.

Looking for achieving equity in its remuneration practices, PREVI's positions and salaries plan considers fixed remuneration by position, independent of sex, color / race, or any other peculiar trait of its collaborators. It also sets forth equitable remunerations among the different directorates and managements. There are no differences in the remunerations for the same positions in the different areas. In all levels, the salary basis for women is the same as that for men.

The smallest salary paid by PREVI in 2009 was 1,065.85. That amount was received by less than 2% of employees and represents approximately 2, 3 times the minimum domestic salary. The ratio between the highest and the lowest remuneration is 32, 25 times.

PREVI's remuneration policy is aligned with the criteria established for salary payments by its sponsor Banco do Brasil. Salaries paid to PREVI's Executive Directorate are equalized with those paid to Banco do Brasil's Directorate. The incumbent members of Executive Board and of the Audit Committee receive remuneration equal to 25 % and 20 %, respectively, of the salary paid to PREVI's president. The remuneration of the substitute members in the Boards amounts to 50 % of the remuneration received by the corresponding incumbents. The members of the Advisory Boards do not receive any remuneration for acting in that capacity.

The variable remuneration program follows the criteria, performance, and amounts determined by the sponsor. PREVI can only reimburse the amounts distributed by Banco do Brasil to its employees, on the basis of the warranty of the rights enjoyed by the assigned employees as specified in the Assignment Agreement. Such payment is made by Banco do Brasil and only its employees participate of that program.

In 2009 the Bank distributed among its employees assigned to PREVI approximately 13,7 million as profit sharing, an amount 38 % higher than in the previous year.

The benefits offered by PREVI to its employees include food allowances, meal allowances, daycare allowances, transportation allowances, health insurance plan, and complementary pension fund.

In 2009 PREVI directed R$26.5 million for the payment of benefits to its employees.

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