The Plan investments profitability was 17.9% and surpassed the actuarial target of 9%.


Fixed income represents most of resources

More than 80% of the Plan resources is in Fixed income investment, in BB Maxi fund of Banco do Brasil, which is equal to R$ 522.5 million. With profitability of 18%, these investments exceeded the Actuarial Target of 9%. However, since it is a new plan, PREVI Future Plan is in phase of resource accumulation, as there is practically no payment of benefits. Therefore, it is possible to adopt a strategy that makes the reduction of resources possible directed to Fixed income, aiming at bigger profitability increase.

The reduction in the interest in National Treasure Notes (NTNs) corresponds to the realization of profits obtained with market marking and the reduction need of exposition to PREVI Future Plan I risk, bearing in mind which variable income assets started to compose the portfolio.

Of the Plan Fixed income securities, 65% are indexed to Selic Average Tax (TMS), and 35% referred to price rates. Of the securities indexed to Selic tax, the Financial Treasury Bills (LFT) respond for around 73%, the Committed Operations, 21%, and the Bank Deposit Certificates (CDBs) are equal to 6%. The resources referred to price rates are applied in the National Treasury Notes (NTN).

Loans represent 10.4% of investments

The Simple Loan portfolio has 12,213 contracts, which are equal to R$ 66.3 million. Even with attractive rates for associates, the loan provides the necessary return to the good profitability maintenance of the Plan. In the fiscal year, these operations accumulated profitability of 10.1%, higher than the Actuarial Target (RPI 6% p.a.) of 9%.

Concession Values and legal limits have been increased

The values for Simple Loan concession were increased. Therefore, the Plan associates, in accordance with their individual margin, could acquire the loan up to the value of R$ 30 thousand. The increase of 10% to 15% in the limit for loans concession also caused Portfolio growth.

Plan already invests in Variable income

In October, the first investments in Variable income were made for PREVI Future plan. The target for these applications is to have profitability equivalent to IBrX-50 performance, rate that measures the return of a theoretical portfolio composed by 50 shares of São Paulo Stock Exchange. It was decided then that the resources intended for Variable income would be allocated in shares of Índice Brasil Bovespa Investment Instruments (PIBB) fund. This investment fund, created by BNDES, has its shares negotiated in Stock Exchange and their profitability has been very similar to that of IBrX-50.