The Audit Committee is a statutory and independent body whose attributions are defined by law and by PREVI's Articles of Incorporation. It is responsible for supervising the administrative and economical-financial management, with a wide scope of action, covering the actuarial and accounting aspects in addition to the Benefit Plans' investments.

In compliance with the best Corporate Governance practices, we have given emphasis to the preventive character of our supervisory role, focusing on the evaluation of risk identification and management processes, structures and mechanisms, on the constant improvement of the internal controls and in the conformity to legislation.

The permanent search for technical rigor, allied to transparency, motivation and an ethical and responsible posture, is the best return we offer to participants, assisted parties and to the sponsor, who have honored us with the confidence of their votes and indication to the Committee.

Certain of having performed our duties, we invite all of you to read this Report, at this singular moment in our history. The expressive presented results should be an additional motivation for all of us to accompany the health of our pension plan and to reflect on the directions to be followed. Afterall, to think about the PREVI of tomorrow is to think about our future.

Good reading!